Hormone In Balance, Gut Health, Lower Cortisol Levels, Help Stubborn Weight Loss

Cordyceps Mushroom Spray

$55.00 for 30ml

For improved energy and endurance
Focus and relaxation
Improved oxygen intake
Fights off viruses and bacteria

Category: Mushroom Extracts, Natural Healing

30ml Spray Bottle

Cordyceps Militaris – Indivita Cordyceps mushroom is the actual fruiting body, processed by hot water extraction into a fine powder and formulated with Australian natives into a paste for ingestion.

These power houses are full of essential nutrients, enzymes, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, all working together to boost stamina and endurance. The polysaccharides will help to improve oxygen update to maintain energy.  Taking this mushroom daily can help to rid your body of damaging free radicals that can lead to cellular damage and premature aging.  Cordyceps promotes focus and mental clarity, helps the body deal with the stress hormone, aiding in a restful sleep and bringing the body into Homeostatis faster. 

 The polysaccharides and beta-glucans found is large amounts in Cordyceps helps the body resist viral and bacterial attacks. 

All products are recommended to be stored in a cool dark place and out of sunlight. Shake well before use.


5 Pack Special


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